Air Filtration Systems for Gyms / Fitness Centers

When it comes to gyms and fitness centers, air filtration systems and proper air circulation help protect gym-goers, trainers, and other employees from illness. In addition, poor indoor air quality and surface contamination in high-traffic areas such as gyms pose a greater risk to the spread of a variety of contagions to other members and the general population.

G&B Environmental is able to filter any air handling system.

Gyms and fitness centers by their nature produce larger amounts of exhaled air that can be trapped indoors or re-circulated.

Gym-goers and staff members want to feel safe. Providing the best air filtration possible puts minds at ease and fosters positivity.

Our certified and highly experienced technicians are able to take on the responsibility of ensuring that your air filters are changed out on time, every time.

Staff members are freed up to take care of more important responsibilities.

Water filtration and regularly scheduled maintenance of RO systems keep essential water clean and safe.

Our electrostatic disinfectant spraying service provides superior coverage and protection against viruses, bacteria, mold and fungi spread on high-touch surface areas such as weights and exercise machines.

Our disinfectant is an organic solution registered with the EPA. This mechanical (not chemical) solution is safe to the touch and ideally suited for anyone sensitive to harsh disinfectants.