Air Filter Services

Air filtration is one of the most important components in having an effective and efficient heating and air conditioning system. Yet, it’s the most neglected and least understood areas of the heating and cooling industry.

With G&B Environmental’s filter change program, we minimize your downtime by having our company complete your change-out in a prompt, efficient manner. We can change out any type of filter, including the necessary hardware, and make any mechanical repairs you might need.

In our inspections, we offer both on-demand and maintenance programs, whichever suits your business best. This service provides you with a professional leak test, visual inspection and written report as to the condition of your baghouse, including our operational recommendations.

Dirt Is Not Cheap!

  • Dirty filters cause your HVAC system to work harder and consume more energy to maintain a consistent indoor temperature.
  • When your system works harder, it not only uses more energy. Your system breaks down more often and reduces the life expectancy of your equipment.
  • A dirty forced-air system routinely circulates allergens, viruses, and bacteria, creating an unhealthy indoor environment. Sick workers make for less efficiency and greater expense.
  • All of these things add up to more cost for your business.


Why is it important to change my HVAC filters regularly?
  • Reduces energy costs, which saves you money 
  • Extends the life of your expensive HVAC equipment
  • Reduces the risk of untimely breakdowns during the worst times of the year
  • Improves indoor air quality and your health, which is more important now than ever
  • Is part of NAFA’s and ASHRAE’s recommendations to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Why is it important to change my HVAC filters regularly?
  • Monthly Utility Savings: A clogged air filter causes at a minimum a 10% reduction in airflow and increases operation costs by at least 11%.
  • Personnel Time and Cost: By having regularly scheduled, consistent service to handle HVAC filter changes, your maintenance personnel are free to do other important activities that need to be done throughout the course of the work day. With us, filter changes will not be forgotten or pushed back due to other pressing needs. They will be done on time, every time!
  • Maintenance and Repair Costs: By using quality products and reliable service, your airflow will be enhanced, allowing your equipment to operate more efficiently, needing less expensive repair and maintenance. In addition, by using our custom built frames for your filters, you will decrease “blow-by “and “gaps” that contribute to contamination of mechanical equipment.
  • Replacement Costs: The regular changing out of air filters and regular preventative maintenance checks will prevent your HVAC system from wearing out sooner, saving you expensive early replacement costs.

Get In Touch

If you have questions about our products or services, we are here to help!


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Just Some of the Preventative Screens G&B Environmental Has Installed for Our Customers