Air Filtration Systems for Restaurants/ Bars

When it comes to restaurants and bars, air/water filtration systems and disinfecting protect not only employees and patrons but the food and beverages they consume. In addition, poor indoor air/water quality and surface contamination in high-traffic areas such as restaurants and bars pose a greater risk of the spread of a variety of contagions to the general population.

Because of the amount of cooking and preparation that takes place, the need for high indoor air quality (IAQ) is paramount to the health and safety of employees and patrons.

Proper air filtration greatly reduces the risk of spreading viruses introduced into high-traffic establishments like restaurants and bars.

Our clients are some of the most respected and well-known establishments and chains. We help them provide the safest and best experience possible for their customers.

Water filtration and regularly scheduled maintenance of RO systems keep the water clean and safe.

Our certified and highly experienced technicians will take on the responsibility of ensuring that your air and water filters are changed out on time, every time!

Regularly scheduled water filter change-outs extend the life of RO systems, saving you money.

Our electrostatic disinfectant spraying service provides superior coverage and protection against viruses, bacteria, mold and fungi spread on high-touch surfaces such as tables and bars.

Our disinfectant is an organic solution registered with the EPA. This mechanical (not chemical) solution is safe to the touch and ideally suited for food and drink prep areas.